Helping Americans

Live Healthier, Happier Lives


Vegetarians Now Have More Options Than Tofu

Vegetarians and vegans are no longer restricted to tofu burgers and salad. While these vegetarian foods have been around for centuries, its only now that veggie lovers are taking notice.

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Studies Say Chocolate Really is Good for You

It’s great news for chocoholics everywhere- eating chocolate can actually be beneficial to your health. Certain kinds of chocolate can lower your blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack, provide some anti-inflammatory effects and, of course, put you in a good mood.

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Open Enrollment Kicks Off

The first day of Open Enrollment for private health insurance is fast approaching. Millions of Americans are expected to buy health insurance through the federal or a state exchange.

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Cycling to Work Can Extend Your Lifespan

It could add twenty minutes to your commute, but it could also add years to your life. Why you should consider cycling to work a few times a week.

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Against Recommendations, Supplements Are Popular Among Teens

Despite the lack of research into side effects of using creatine, a popular sports supplement, teenagers are flocking towards this miracle “muscle builder”. But doctors say creatine does not actually build muscle, and they don’t recommend its use for anyone under 18 years old.

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