Helping Americans

Live Healthier, Happier Lives


The COVID-19 Crisis: How ABHO Benefits Can Help Members

American Better Health Organization offers a list of benefits that you can utilize, even while self-quarantining. In fact, some of our benefits may be even more useful as you spend time at home and out of public areas!

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Health Care Reform: Preparing for Open Enrollment

Don't be caught unawares this Open Enrollment! Our tax and insurance expert can educate you on the many new health reform laws going into effect. ABHO's expert will help you understand all your options, and how your choices can effect your health insurance for the entire year.

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Record Number of Measles Cases Reported

The CDC declared measles "eliminated" from the U.S. back in 2000, but it's been showing up again in record numbers this year. Due to the high numbers of measles cases this year, doctors are changing the vaccination recommendations for young children.

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Getting Sunburn as a Teen Could Increase Cancer Risk by 80%

That bad sunburn you endured as a teen could come back to haunt you. New research shows that teens who got blistering sunburn five times or more by age 20 are 80% more likely to develop melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, killing 9,000 people each year.

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Napping as a Training Technique

We’ve all heard the advantages of napping, but as an athlete, you’ve got to know the “right” way to nap. Here are some tips for healthy napping to fuel your workout.

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