Helping Americans

Live Healthier, Happier Lives


Working Out Your Brain

Physical activity is important to staying mobile into old age, but it turns out brain activity may be just as important. If you want to stay sharp way into your 60s and 70s, now may be the time to start "working out" your brain.

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Open Enrollment Kicks Off

The first day of Open Enrollment for private health insurance is fast approaching. Millions of Americans are expected to buy health insurance through the federal or a state exchange.

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Why Do I Need Health Insurance?

The Affordable Care Act mandates that all Americans obtain health insurance, so millions of people who never bothered buying health care before, are now required to- or face a tax penalty. However, new health insurance reform laws aren't the only reason to buy a health plan.

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Cycling to Work Can Extend Your Lifespan

It could add twenty minutes to your commute, but it could also add years to your life. Why you should consider cycling to work a few times a week.

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Against Recommendations, Supplements Are Popular Among Teens

Despite the lack of research into side effects of using creatine, a popular sports supplement, teenagers are flocking towards this miracle “muscle builder”. But doctors say creatine does not actually build muscle, and they don’t recommend its use for anyone under 18 years old.

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