Helping Americans

Live Healthier, Happier Lives


Eating for Endurance Sports

You don’t have to limit yourself to granola bars, sports drinks and salt gels- there are other options out there for serious, competitive endurance athletes.

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Getting Insurance Outside of Open Enrollment

The deadline for getting private health insurance just ended, but there are still options out there if you missed open enrollment. ABHO has a list of ways you can get health insurance outside of open enrollment. You don't have to wait until the next enrollment period starts!

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Which Adult Obstacle Course is for You

So you’re ready to jump on the adult obstacle course craze, but you’re still trying to figure out if you’re a “Tough Mudder” or a “Spartan”? Here are a few key differences between the races.

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Mindfulness and Its Connection to Physical Health

Sure, you’re used to taking care of your body. But are you taking care of your mind at the same time? If not, it could have a negative impact on your physical health.

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CDC Study Says More Moms Waiting to Have First Child

More women are waiting to become first time moms. New data shows the number of women over age 35 who are giving birth for the first time is climbing. In 2012, the number was 9 times higher than 1970. In 1990, teens had more births than women over 35- in 2008, that trend reversed.

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